Blog: Making Someone Feel Beautiful.

Beautiful words from Della: I have worked in clothing retail most of my adult life. Places big and small, corporate and mom and pop. I have worked for World's Window 17 of those years. Perhaps jaded now by it's softness and intimate approach to retail, I continue to love my job and all the diversity it shows me. I have always been more of the back room sort, not a salesperson. I know countless stories, and am able to attract and inspire customers with the amazing pieces we have to offer. I can answer all the questions, but have trouble "selling" the merchandise. I've seen it done seamlessly by others. I see my co-workers connect with and then showcase what the customer wants. It seems effortless to them; it's what they do.

A few days ago a woman walked in and approached me, putting herself in my care. I asked her, "What can I help you with today?" She looked at me and in a quiet voice said, "I want to feel beautiful." She wasn't a model, and I could tell that this was probably the first time she trusted a stranger with such an emotion-filled comment, but she had look in her eyes that I knew I could connect with, and help her in turn feel the way she needed to feel. We looked through racks of clothing and found things she would never dare to try. She went into the dressing room, shaking her head, sure that nothing would work, fit, or look good on her. I made her attempt at a new look to feel safe and fun. She cautiously came out of the dressing room with clothes that needed adjusting. I approached her with a genuineness and an understanding that we all just want to feel beautiful. We laughed and threw on scarves and I watched as she began to nod approvingly and look at herself in the full length mirror with confidence. It made my heart swell. We had connected with her honesty, with her trust, and with my ability to key into what she needed. If you have ever effected someone through your job, you know what I'm talking about. We had both succeeded.

Before she left she gave me a hug. Well, actually we hugged one another. We as women can be strong and important and nurturing and kind. We can reach out to those in need, or change a dirty diaper. We can quote Gloria Steinem, relax with bon bon's, or find the perfect shoe. We all have so much to juggle, but sometimes we just want to feel beautiful. That's it. Not for our husbands, children, or co-workers…just for us. For me, sometimes that's a bubble bath, or an extra application of mascara. Sometimes it's a moment in time that just seems perfect. Feeling beautiful, of course comes from the inside. We all have it; we are all beautiful. As I looked back on my afternoon with this customer, I equated the whole experience to The Wizard of Oz. She always had the ruby red slippers, but that with my coaxing as Glenda the good witch, she made it work for herself. She had the power all along.