Blog: Saturday's Last Hour
A new blog - from Julie this time:
The Saturday staff at World’s Window is an elite group of retail professionals. We know that your weekends are precious and if you want to spend time with us we want to honor that. Do you want to be left alone to poke about and explore or do you need help with a head to toe look for a special occasion? We are there for you.…but….the last hour on Saturday is sometimes a different story.
We are a little punchy, maybe a tiny bit tired, and then there is sometimes left over adrenaline from spending the day with our fabulous customers. We sing, sometimes dance, plan dinners and think about the perfect date for the young ones on the staff. We often receive invaluable input from our customers. There is nothing wrong with a boy asking you out for a genuine date. A movie and perhaps a drink afterwards to discuss your thoughts on the movie. 100% World’s Window customers agree. Old fashioned dates are always cool.
This past Saturday we tried to get a song stuck in Amber’s head. I quietly sang it in her ear while she tried to concentrate. I was sure it would work. I went with “Gloria” by Laura Branigan from the movie Flashdance. I was not successful until a customer suggested “Eternal Flame” by the Bangles. She and her shopping companions assured us, once that song is in your head, it never ever leaves. She was right.
That song stayed in our heads while cleaning and tidying, sweeping and vacuuming, In fact, permanently implanted in our brains because our April has a phenomenal singing voice. So, dear customer, whoever you are, this is for you and your friends.