Blog: Through The Eye Of The Needle
Submitted by Jan Buerge on
We always love hearing from our customers. Jean Hayes recently wrote so eloquently when inspired by our current quilt project for Rose Brooks. Jean graciously said we could share her words. I love the image of "Through The Eye Of The Needle." It got me thinking about how over the years we at World's Window have constantly looked at those things good and beautiful throughout our wide world "through the eye of a needle." We hope to always share that inspiration with you.
Dear Jan,
As I hope you are aware - I have so totally always loved from the beginning the "creative, interactive experiences" with World's Window ALL MADE POSSIBLE by You, Lonnie, and always the "Real Persons" Staff members (both past and present). And now your Sister being here adds yet another dimension of creative involvement. And of course, your two beautiful Daughters - and now two precious Grandchildren - have always been a very special part of sharing at World's Window!
For me, it has been something akin to spiritual to have "read" the pages (yes, kind of like reading a book) and experienced "the blooming and blossoming of creativity and evolvement" over these years! Also fascinating to experience how You - Jan - have a gift for leading and melding of people working together successfully for great outcomes!
NOW THE QUILT!!! As I went through the photo-frames of "CREATING THIS QUILT" . . . can I say that this seems the ultimate "creative idea" effort thus far? WOW! First I felt my heart strings "twing." Then I had an "aesthetic" response to the QUILT ART. Next came an indescribable response to "ALL OF YOU WORKING TOGETHER" (spiritual kind of feeling). And JAN, the close-up pictures of individuals "needle threading" is like the climax of the entire greater whole of this quilt project.. The intensity revealed in each persons face, as they determinedly get-the-thread ~ through-the-eye of the needle ~ leaves me at a loss of words to adequately describe! What else can I say?
This series of picture frames NEEDS TO BE printed/published in Book form. As a series they communicate WAY MORE than a simple set of "looks" . . . they TELL A STORY!
Most Sincerely,
Jean Hayes